Chiho Kijima

Chiho Kijima is a fashion and advertisement illustrator who was born in Tokyo, Japan. She has worked with many clients from very diferent backgrounds: publishers, fashion designers, jewellers, beauty shops and agencies, also from the cinema and music industry. Her unique style stands out for the precision and beauty of the images created and is hugely evocative.

She has recently been chosen to direct the PauWa project, a cultural exchange between the cities of Barcelona and Hiroshima, based on technological innovation and artistic experience, with the common goal of transmitting the message of Peace (Pau in Catalan; Wa in Japanese).

She's been using Handpoem, a new electronic device (smart glove), which translates her gestures into rythm, images and sound.

What was your reaction the first time you had an interaction with Handpoem?
When I used handpoem for the first time I felt like I was a kid again. Like I had just found an exciting toy.

What does this new device add to your performance?
I've always liked working in collaboration with musicians. I enjoy the connection between music and illustration. Handpoem allows me to play with the music at the same time I'm performing. I can change the volume and do effects, make a song sound diferent, depending on my emotional state at the time. It truly expands the range of my expressivity, and enables me to do live performances.

So, it has impacted your work.
I realize it creates sort of a bigger interaction with the audience. And it also works as a communication tool.

Can you specify anything more about using the Handpoem device?
It stimulates the eyes and ears at the same time, so it is great fun! Audience reaction were really good actually.

Has this device helped you professionally?
I've more opportunities with Handpoem to do live performances and show my art.

You can find more about Chiho Kijima in and her instagram account: @chihokizima